Thursday, January 26, 2006

Let Them Eat Cake--The French Soup Nazi Says Soup is Racist

I never knew that soup could be racist. But France has decided that pork soup is, so it's been banned. That's right, banned. If you were hoping to taste a delicious bowl of pork soup (ugh!) on your next vacation in France, better think again and settle for crepe suzettes or that other gourmet delicacy, french fries! What's going on here?

It seems some charities were feeding France's hungry homeless and poor, offering them a tasty bowl of pork soup at no cost. The problem?

Protesters have accused the groups of deliberate discrimination against Jews and Muslims, who do not eat the meat.

Thus, local governments in some parts of France have banned pork soup.

My comment: Nobody was being forced to eat anything, right? So, think about where we are going with this line of thought. The Hindus of India don't eat the cow, so let's ban hamburgers. And of course, hot dogs are made of pork, so let's ban those. Pork sausage for breakfast? Fuggidaboutit!

Am I the only one who thinks a government that has the power to ban pork soup is a government with too much power? "Laissez faire forever," Adam Smith might say.



At 9:41 AM, Blogger Steve said...

Perhaps if they sold the subject soup for some minimal amount, rather than giving it away, they could sidestep the racism accusations. Perhaps not. The French - sacre bleu!

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

je crois pas trop ce truc de cochon et de soupe ; certe cela est possible : le respect des religions des "innocents" . si oui : les restos du coeur preferent une nourriture que tous les "creves-la-faim" "peuvent" manger ;]


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