Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Blondes--Going the Way of the Dinosaur?

A rather Freudian view of blondness, I would say.

The Village Voice is young, hip, and multicultural. Michael Musto, who is one of their more thought-provoking regular contributors, has this to say about a certain type of young, blonde celebrity:

A surfeit of pesky peroxide addicts who had face-lifts at age 12 and turned their abortions into handbags has made things so oppressively dumb-tastic that Charlize Theron has to wear boils and a modified babushka to elevate herself from the tragically superficial morass into respectability (though ever a trouper, she bravely still sports luscious blond locks).

I swear on my obsolete Uggs that dumb blonds are, like, officially over. It's just not cute anymore to watch people who, thanks to raging insecurity issues, insist on being both stick-thin (because they want to look "good") and camera-hoggingly self-humiliating. The spectacle of boobs popping out, drug dribble leaking out, and vaginas wearing out, all in the name of career advancement, was extremely amusing for a while, but everyone's too smart to stand by and applaud this sideshow any longer, especially if they can't get close enough to grab some.

You can't say the man minces words, can you?



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